You are a highly successful executive with a proven track record and yet you are currently staring down
one of the most significant challenges of your career.
In Transition?
You have just landed your dream job and you are feeling a little overwhelmed. You want
to set yourself up to ‘knock this out of the park’. I will work with you to develop a roadmap and a learning plan that sets you up for success within the first six months on the job.
Is your Business not achieving the results that you want it to achieve?
The key performance indicators for your business are not where you want them to be and everything you’ve tried is not having an impact. The things that worked so well for you in the past are not working for you now.
In need of Performance Support?
You are struggling. You are receiving some difficult feedback from
your boss or some of your key stakeholders and you don’t understand what to do about it. You might
not be getting any feedback at all but you sense there is something that someone isn’t saying that is
important for you to hear. Maybe you’ve tried some things and your feel that you aren’t getting the
kind of recognition that you should be getting for the efforts that you are making. You are feeling lonely
at the top and you just don’t feel comfortable asking anyone in your organization for help.
Are you working through a major Business Transformation?
Maybe your company is growing rapidly and you recognize that you need to adjust your leadership to fit the new normal. Your organization is failing; a turnaround is desperately needed but you get a headache thinking about where to start.
You’ve just been handed a merger, reorganization or a major business change and you need a plan to
develop the culture, structures and supports that will be necessary to manage the transformation.
These are real scenarios that some of my clients are facing. What’s yours?
Do you struggle with Executive Communications and Presence?
You keep getting passed over for promotions and you’ve know that one of the reasons is that you don’t
seem to fit the mold. You are struggling to find your voice with your boss, your customers, your staff
and your peers. You get a cold sweat when you think about going into that critical meeting or making
that important presentation that will get you the recognition that you seek. I’ll let you in on a little
secret. I’ve been here myself as have many people that I’ve worked with – and some of them have the
most impressive resumes! This is learnable. Let me help.
Would you like to learn how to have better conversations, build better relationships and build a more
aligned culture in your organization?